Mr. H of HIStalk will contribute the foreward to MU2i

Thank you Mr. H

The upcoming MU2i just got a lot better

HIStalk stepped up to our call for artists in a big way by agreeing to write the foreword to Meaningful Use Stage 2 Illustrated (henceforth, MU2i). The 94 page book will include illustrations of every menu and core MU2 provision for both hospital and eligible provider. Now you can throw those CMS printouts away.


Are you an artist?

Or, do you know one? (You don't have to be as hip as this guy.)

We're still on the look out for great artists to contribute to the book. Here are the remaining MU2 provisions to be illustrated. (Grayed out are accounted for.) Contact me if you're interested in contributing. We love artists in healthcare!


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